The Communication Center invites faculty members to encourage students to make use of our services by making tutor-led class visits and tours a part of their courses.

A class visit (a tutor comes to your class) or tour (you bring your class to the Communication Center) is a 15-minute informational session during which we share with students who we are, what we do, and how to access our services. We can also extend any visit or tour to 30 minutes and include a mini-presentation or activity that is related to an upcoming assignment in order to model what we do in our individual consultations. To request a class visit or tour, send an email at least 2 weeks in advance to with your course number/title, number of students, and preferred days/times.

Dependent on staff availability, student organizations, research groups, LLCs, and leaders of other non-credit programs can request a workshop by contacting Dr. Caitlin Kelly, Director of the Naugle Communication Center at